In the northern hemisphere we are about to have the Winter Solstice. In the southern hemisphere it is going to be Summer Solstice.

The winter solstice is where the night is the longest of the year. It is time for going inwards and reflecting.

In the southern hemisphere, it is time to go outwards and connect with people.

The winter solstice reflects the longest hours in the dark. It is a rebirth of sorts and renewal,  rejuvenation as the sun comes up and we go into more light.

In Pagan times it was celebrated as the Moon/ Goddess energy.

Earth tilts (231/2 degrees) is the reason for our seasons. The hemisphere closest to the sun will have Summer and the hemisphere that is tilted away from the sun will have winter.

People always followed the sun’s path around the sky. Many places on earth were built to follow that path, like Machu Picchu in Peru, and Stonehenge in England. 

For those of you that are in the Winter Solstice I would ask to think about what you are sowing in your garden at this time? Goals, plans? Etc.

For those of you that are in the Summer Solstice I would ask what “fruits” are you picking from your garden? Did you sow last winter and are seeing the fruits now? What changes or advancements have you had or are having this summer?

Enjoy the solstice wherever you are and ask yourself what inner changes are you making to align with the outer changes you would like for yourself and for our world???