Let me start by saying how grateful and honored I am for you! I am grateful for you all to be on this journey with me, and for taking the time to read these love letters. This is the reason I choose very carefully what I say/ write to you. I want it to be a gift, mostly a reminder of the bigger energy/ expression that you are. We all know a lot more than we let into our conscious minds. SO please take a moment to let in the LOVE!

Allow me to be a mirror for how magnificent you are; how loved and adored you are, first by your higher self (most importantly) and your team. Now know that each of you is loved by God/Goddess ALL that is, creation, whatever you choose to believe. And lastly know that you are loved by myself and my team that knows you personally.

What I would like to remind you of today is that we are all connected on some level. Therefore I ask you to choose LOVE and not Fear. Even though at this darker time on earth there are many disagreements and different choices, it is ok to accept each person whatever decision we take or choice we make, we are still part of the ONE. We are still connected together. There is no darkness without light and there is no light without darkness.

I hope and dream of our world as a loving coexistence where we are each free to choose what we want to believe and what is right for each of us to do/ say/act, and we are each still honored and respected. We want to keep our future and our children’s future in mind, and that is why we each need to do our part or a part.

Some of us want to drive electric cars, others might want to compost, some want to use bamboo toilet paper (bamboo trees grow 3-6 feet/ day) while others use regular ones (there are 27,000 trees a day cut down for toilet paper use – I just found that out). There are so many choices we can make and different things we can educate ourselves about, to take into account when we are creating our world going forward.

Maybe smiling at your neighbor is all you can choose right now and that is ok for you.

Please just make an effort to think a little bit more outside ourselves while we love ourselves deeply.

As this year is coming to a close you might want to make a list of what you want to release.
What beliefs serve you until today?
Or habits that you feel you are ready to move on from?
And what would you like to bring into your life going forward?

You can use 11:11 as a gate you go through to birth a new you.

To help you think of what you would like to bring forward here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What does Self actualize mean to you?
  • What does thriving mean to you?
  • What brings you Joy?
  • What would you like to focus on going forward?
  • Are you doing the work you want?
  • What is your contribution?
  • How would you like to be remembered (fast forward to the end of life, it will give you clues)?
  • What are you afraid of?
  • What fears do you want to release?
  • What fears are you feeling ready to let go of?

There are many pondering questions to think about as you prepare for this deep transformation.

Remember that you are part of God/Goddess/ALL That Is, and as such you are a powerful creator and manifestor LOVED beyond words.

Thank you for allowing me to share this time with you.