Dear Friends,

On Thursday May 7th we have a full moon in Scorpio at 4:45 MDT, this full moon is known as the “Flower Moon” since May is the blooming month. It gives us the opportunity to explore the meaning of our life and how satisfied we are with it? It allows us to clear the shadows and birth the new.

It seems that we have had a few weeks to reflect on this subject. I hope each of you took some of the extra time we had to go inward and ponder that question.

Other questions this full moon might bring up: Are you nourishing your talents? Your purpose in this life? Where do you need to make changes?

Are you being discerning as to what is in alignment with you?

You might be experiencing fatigue and other unusual feelings, I have.

Physically this is due to being less active and not going to as many places. On a spiritual level especially to you empaths, we feel a lot of grief, and loss, maybe even the loss of innocence is felt on a very deep level. We are releasing and moving so much energy.

I have been taking some time daily to feel into what I would like to create for myself and for humanity going forward. I feel that we are at a fork on the road, or maybe a splitting of realities ,where we can birth it all anew. Some of the things I have been visualizing and feeling into:

A new education system that supports and empowers each individual wherever they are. A world where each sentient being, be it Gaia, Plants, Animals are loved and respected. Where they are living among us in peace and we can communicate with all life. Where the community works together for common goals, and so do countries. Maybe there will be no need for borders, if everyone and each nation is appreciated for what they can bring to the global community.

How about if we can have our star families show themselves here on earth, and help us with technology and innovation.

Imagine that our health care is preventative instead of taking medications that harm our bodies.

How about an economic system that can be based on cooperation and not competition? And Free energy, where we do not leave a print on our environment. How would it feel for the government to be working with us and for us, without agendas?

We can go on and imagine our new world into being. Now is the time.

I will be doing a meditation on it next week on my Facebook group & Instagram live. I will announce it before . Please join me and if you have any questions, feel free to share or ask on any of the social media.

Lastly I would like to suggest that you join me on Friday at 10 am pacific standard time as my friends Acurda , Aela, Satya and others will have a global gathering at the Temple Of The Heart :

Much love to you,

And So much Gratitude for taking your time to read this letter and be a part of this…

Sharon Josef Phd.
Channel, Medical Intuitive, Animal Communicator, Healer
IG: @sharonjo
Facebook: Sharon Josef