It has been a while since I wrote to you. I have been hiding in my cave from a social media perspective. However, I keep on working and doing my part in this beautifully chaotic world of ours.

The good news is that out of chaos comes new beginnings, a new world is definitely emerging! I keep on holding a neutral vibration. Sending love to all the opposite polars, whether it is in politics or in taking the vaccine/or not, wearing a mask or not. I agree to disagree on these subjects that I see can tear communities and families apart. Above all I choose LOVE.

The opposite of Fear is Love! When we judge/criticize others or ourselves, we are in fear.

The June 21st solstice is an opportunity for rebirth, one that allows and honors the Divine feminine in all beings. One need not be a female to hold the divine feminine, however, the divine masculine (especially the males that are reading this) is honored in supporting the divine feminine.

It is Divine Feminine energy that holds the frequency of compassion, empathy, and the ability to accept others without judgment.

Make a choice to not judge others, to not shame them. Honor each person’s choices!. To find the right choice for you it helps to go out in nature. That is where you can hear your own voice and you can be assisted by mother earth. GO into the Temple of Your Heart to listen to your voice inside.

When you step into nature imagine you are stepping into a different dimension, maybe even the garden of Eden. You will notice how the colors look different and the vibrations are higher.

As starseeds some of our fears are to be here on earth and be of the earth. Bring your awareness to your base chakra. Take an elevator down from the top of your head to your heart, be there for a while, and then continue down all the way. Stay in the base chakra with your consciousness. That is where our fears/ shadows hide. Just by staying there as long as you can you will release, cleanse and let go of these fears. No need to go into them, just stay there with your awareness.

Twice a year in June and December we get to pause, go within and evaluate where we are on our path? Are we stuck in the same spiral? Did we move towards our goals or dreams? Do we know what the next dreams/goals/intentions are? And do we know the steps towards them?

Now is the time to go inwards and start thinking of rebirthing ourselves. This week we also have Mercury retrograde (until June 22) that helps us go even deeper within- if we allow ourselves. Mercury retro energy allows us to consider the Macro ( the big picture) as well as the Micro ( small details and intentions in our lives); How do we want to express who we are in the world?

What does the best version of yourself look like?

Before thinking of caring for the world, think about how you can love yourself deeper? What will make you feel joyful?

Remember that we came here at this time to be part of the transition team of moving humanity towards becoming more aware. But the only way to be that is to keep your vibrations high. You can do that by being in gratitude!

You are not here to prove yourself to others. You came to be more of your authentic true self! True is not the conditioned person you were brought up to be, nor is it the costumes/ faces (ego-based) you put on for others.

Love yourself more and more, deeper and deeper. You are a unique masterpiece!

If you feel you need some help sorting anything out, please go on the website or text to book an appointment.

With so much gratitude to each of you for allowing me to be in your mailbox…and on your path …..

And with much much LOVE…