The craziness is continuing … I would love to be able to tell you it will all be over soon but I cannot yet. What I will say is that you might want to keep going inwards and check with your core values. What is true for you? What is most important for you? How would you like to live in this world? How would you like to leave this world to your children or as a civilization? What would you like to see more of in our world?

Each one of us is part of the collective. We each affect the field we are all connected through.

When you think of these answers I suggest you go inwards. Try to not be affected by all the news/propaganda you hear. Think for yourself. Why aren’t the main news stations bringing all the information forward? Maybe do some digging through non-mainstream channels. I am not trying to influence you in any way, I only like for you to think and CHOOSE for yourself.

Our life depends on the choices we make. Each moment we can choose anew.

Anticipating the Lion gate of 08/08 I thought I would share a bit of astrology to make things interesting:

By Peter Tongue

We have a Blue Moon occurring on Sunday, August 22nd, following the previous Full Moon on July 23rd Two Full Moons in the same sign make for a Blue Moon!

I feel that these two Full Moons book-end the energies of Aquarius, providing us with the opportunity to open ourselves up to these new energies coming online. There are other factors at play to amplify that potential.

Firstly, the Full Moon on July 23rd re-activated the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice last December, which was considered by many to be the entry point to the New Age of Aquarius. Also, this Full Moon sat in between Pluto at 25 degrees of Capricorn and Saturn at 10 degrees of Aquarius. That also re-activated the Saturn/Pluto conjunction that took place on January 12th, 2020, when all of this chaos began.

The 8:8 Lion’s Gate this year coincides with the New Moon in Leo adding to the power of this annual Portal aligned closely with the return of Sirius in the morning sky, rising just before and above the Sun to be seen for the first time this year around August 11th.

Peter Novak– sounds very interesting to me.

Outer Planet Stelliums: The Engine of Civilization (updated)

Tight groupings, or ‘stelliums’, of three or more outer planets in the skies at the same time are extremely rare. We only see Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto cluster tightly together in groups of three or more on an average of one every 84 years. While there have not been any five-outer-planet stelliums in the last 2000 years, three- and four-outer-planet stelliums have occurred on twenty-five occasions during this time. Twenty-three of them were three-outer-planet stelliums, and just two of them were four-outer-planet stelliums.

In the last two thousand years, there have only been two times when four of the outer planets came together. They are super-rare events. Literally “once-in-a-thousand-years” events. These rarest of astrological events just happened to coincide with the Fall of Rome and the Dawn of the Renaissance, arguably the two biggest turning points in Western civilization over the last two millennia.

Prior to that, another four-outer-planet stellium occurred in 1098 BC, when Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all conjoined together in a twenty-degree span between 14 Aquarius and 4 Pisces. What happened then? This date actually coincides with the collapse of the Bronze Age Civilization, the single greatest civilizational collapse in all of human history, worse even than the collapse of the Roman Empire … which ALSO occurred under a four-outer-planet stellium.

All of these three- and four-outer-planet stelliums include Jupiter, or Saturn, or both. There have been no groupings of the three outermost planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in the last 2000 years. The last time these three did conjoin together was in July 577 BC, in the sign Taurus. This coincided with a worldwide religious and philosophical renaissance that brought us Buddha, Zoroaster, Pythagoras, Confucius, Tao Tzu, Isaiah, and Ezekiel.

As a gift to help you go inwards if you so choose I am attaching a video/meditation I collaborated in creating. It is called: The temple of your heart. It is light encoded by my team and myself.

Also, my rates are going up so if you waited for the right time to book a session please go online and book it through the website.