Ways To Reduce Stress

Ways To Reduce Stress

When there is any kind of “going against” in your mind, you are not allowing yourself to align with Source energy/the Divine/God, Goddess, All there is, and it creates stress. It does not allow into your vibration, that which you desire. Here are some ways that will...
Ways to Know about the Future

Ways to Know about the Future

Wouldn’t you like to know what the future is going to look like, and what kind of life you will lead? Most people want to know about their future love, their career, whether they will be successful in their endeavors. Don’t you all think that if you knew what is...
The Shadow

The Shadow

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung coined the term “shadow” to describe the hidden side of the human psyche. There are hidden (unconscious) aspects of ourselves, both good and bad, which our ego repressed or denied, and we do not realize. “The psychological rule...
The Invisible Matrix / Web

The Invisible Matrix / Web

”…Nature at the atomic level, does not appear as a mechanical universe, composed of fundamental building blocks, but rather s a network of relations, and that, ultimately, there are no parts at all in this interconnected web.” In his book The Tao OF Physics: An...


Your entire life depends on your self-love! Nothing can work well in your life if you don’t love yourself. We are not talking about the ego-centric love that your parents or people of authority in your life taught you to not do. It is the love that flowers out of...